
We love creating
Internet of things.

Softvel is a software development company founded by veterans with over 20 years of experience, specialized in providing cutting edge software solutions to businesses from a broad diversity of industries. We cover areas such as SaaS, mobile apps (Android, iOS, Windows Mobile), desktop applications (Windows, macOS, Linux), and web solutions.

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Industries in focus

Excellent efficiency & reliability.

By implementing sound methodology in our software development process we excel our capacity to insure high end product delivery.

Information Technologies

For broad spectrum of industries that require computation.


Educational institutions, Universities, Schools


Public and private healthcare entities, clinics, research labs.

Travel & Hospitality

Flight agencies, rental cars, hotels, restaurants, bars.

Financial Services

Banks, currency exchange offices, accounting


Superstores, stores, online e-commerce

Custom software development services

Our capacity to help customers is a result of implementing sound methodology processes in software development.

Architecture & Design

Pixel perfect designs and robust scalable architecture.


Let us transform your business idea to a real application.

Testing & QA

Quality assurance after exhaustive testing is paramount.

Technical Documentation

User friendly easy to understand technical documentation.

IT Consultancy

Not sure about your needs? We'll be your advisor.

Maintenance & Support

Unparalleled technical support with solid maintenance plans.

Always ready for your next big idea

Let us help you transform your vision into reality

+44 2083 338464

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